Dorset otters

I’ve recently been away to Dorset for a few days in order to visit my favourite reserve, Arne. Unfortunately the weather wasn’t as good as i was hoping for, but I stuck it out as there’s always an opportunity out there sumwhere.

I spent a lot of time driving around exploring dorset and finding new places to potentially photograph. Whilst driving over one of the many old bridges across the river stour I saw an otter casually going with the flow of the river. I was able to stop on the bridge and admire it before it disappeared out of sight. Where theres one theres more, so i did some research and headed out the next day early morning.

With the Stour being incredibly full from all the rain we’ve had I thought my luck would not be so great. But I was wrong. I saw two otters, each in separate parts of the river. I was shooting on my 500mm which at times was too powerful and other times not powerful enough. Below are some of the images I took.

Unfortunately with the otter being so close at times I ended up with just a head shot cutting the body in half which resulted in a image looking like it was taken in captivity. Not really the type of shot I was looking for. But all in all not bad for a couple of hours luck. I definitely will be returning to work with this subject properly.