The wood mouse is one most common rodents found here in the UK. This one in particular lives under the stone slabs outside our kitchen. Every day I watch as they harvest up the spilt bird seed from the feeder that hangs above. Where there is food you will most likely find mice, or at least evidence of their nocturnal activities. In our conservatory there isn’t a seed packet that hasn’t been opened or bulbs that haven’t been nibbled.
From a photographic point of view, they are one of the hardest subjects to photograph using my field studio, due to their athletic ability and lighting fast reactions. So getting these shots was rewarding and a welcomed change of subject.
Common shrew
Since starting the study of my garden I have wanted to photograph a shrew with my field studio. Unlike the other mammals in my garden the common shrew is very elusive. I was once fortunate to come across a nest containing a litter of common shrews, but these types of situations are best left undisturbed.
I found this shrew (pictured below) under one the boards that I placed down in the paddock. The image does not show size but I can tell you it was only around 5cm long (body only), so very small.
Its long pointed nose and tiny eyes makes the shrew stand out from other mammals such as voles and mice. Their short life-span means that it is uncommon for them to live for more than 12 months. Their diet consists of mainly insects but they will also eat slugs, snails and earthworms.
The common shrew can be found widespread throughout Britain and comes in at second place in being the most numerous Mammal in Britain.
Common shrew - Sorex araneus
A few 'Meet Your Neighbours' highlights from last week
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus
Snipe Fly Rhagia scolopacea
Crab spider Philodromus sp
Running crab spider Philodromus dispar
Species TBC
Common frog Rana temporaria
Millipede Diplodpoda
Species TBC
High resolution images can be viewed with the following link:-
Fox Cubs
Through my observations as I walked the fields in my local area I discoverd a fox earth. It was confirmed by the small remnants of chewed feathers which had that very distictive fox scent all over them, along with the trampled ground around the entrances to their den.
It was a moment that I will never forget, a constant reminder of why this type of photography is just so rewarding.
There were three cubs which played for a while before spotting me. They were curious and even came closer to check me out.
Getting a clean shot was a challenge as the nettles covered their faces for the most of the time.
High resolution images can be viewed with the following link:-